
Recent notes

just typing up some notes. #

"Can you afford the industry you work in with the wages that industry pays. - a standard way to measure whether a product is exploitive."

"Too many people's critiques of power are about an (understandable) but too specific anti-americansim."

"Is it possible to measure interpretive change over time. Imagine a survey where the words never change. It measures different things every time. Changing the words only magnifies a preexisting problem."

"What exactly is the connection between peoples attitudes about things and the things themselves. What do you think about norm x? What does this reveal about norm x. Not much I expect."

"Is it possible that bureaucratic conservatism flows out of the dysfunction of politics. I. E. Because electoral politics has so many checkpoints the legislative intent gets lost?"

"what's your moral intutition about a drug that saves 50 people that would have died and kills X people that would have lived."

"Trolley problem but concerning the degree of belief about how many people are on the other track, when you know how many are on the current track."

"use corporate form to avoid class certification issues, incorporate and issue shares to the whole class, sue as an individual on behalf of shareholders."

"Real religious practice is about doubt and struggle, not simple rules or something as silly as a relationship with God (the force that created the universe does not need friends)."

"What if heaven is supposed to be on earth."

"Consider intuition w/r/t generosity of time versus generosity of wealth. Generosity of wealth only becomes close to parity when it threatens time, Bezos could give up 10 billion dollars and it would be less generous than me driving a friend to work."

"Rights and time. If you don’t have time exercise your rights, do you have them at all."

listening to mamom or maybe revolt of the elites: #

"Economics is (still) a christian scienctific venture. A belief that you humans are governed by natural laws. And economics is an attempt to divine those laws."

"There is a fundamental disconnect between what justifies property (higher or better use). And people's conception of property giving absolute rights to use (or destroy)"

"There is no wealth but life - ruskin"

about cost benefit analysis: #

"Think about a secenario where costs equal benefit. That's when the arbitrariness of distinguishing costs and benefits comes to light. Because some will still benefit and others not or will be diminished in some way. A neutral cost benefit doesn't seem to imply a neutral impact. The decision still isn't in any sense neutral. This makes it clearer that you can't really justify the substance of a rule in terms of benefits outweighing costs--especially when the units on both sides of the equation (businesses and consumers for example) are fundamentally disimilar. You can't count your way to fairness or justice."

"How to account for costs in low/versus high growth potential industries. Mature industries should have costs discounted. If we want to justify caring about costs to business, the point must not be to preserve profit, but rather to prevent smothering of innovation."

"The point of many rules is the distribution of costs between consumers and businesses. If total costs increase but they aren't born by individuals, that should never be a cause for concern."

"The point of regulation is shifting risk onto institutions. Costs are actually benefits!"

"get rid of OIRA and create a citizen ombudsman"

"Regulation is just poorly designed state planning. Better to eliminate it and take care of freedom through a social state."

while listening to NPR #

"Screaming: are kpop stars appropriating black culture."